Cooper vs Ruby

Kia Ora , Talofa lava

Welcome to my blog Its great having you here.

Today my class and I learned about how we can be safe , smart and sensible online for Cybersmart.

There is a difference between these two dogs and their blog posts. Cooper wasn’t being safe or smart online he has shown his car plate and address. But Ruby was being sensible , smart and safe , she didn’t share anything personal detail about herself and told us how we can be smart online.




Should animals be kept in zoos or not?

In my OPINION I STRONGLY believe that animals from around the world shouldn’t be kept in zoos here are my reasons why.

My first reason if anyone remembers In 2017 7th of June , a Zoo keeper fed a alive donkey to a Chinese tiger does that highlight cruel behaviour to animals?

Second reason did you know Animal abuse is widespread in 75% of Zoo and aquarium facilities.

I also heard that animals in Zoos get mistreated a lot and die from starvation and hydration and have been separated from their own family.

Animals also don’t always want to be stuck in a small place with glass windows all around them they want to run around free and live their life and be in their natural  habitat where they belong.